Competition Winner: Kostas Sidiropoulos (11) 40 Pts
Runner Up: Graham McKelvey (20) 38 Pts
Third: Raj Tembe (18) 36 Pts
3rd: John Johnson
5th: Kostas Sidiropoulos
9th: Bob Houghton
12th: David Evans
14th: Kostas Sidiropoulos
16th: Bill Mallisioras
NAGA: John Busietta 23Pts
Next Week : Wed 5th Mar 2025 Stableford Tony Esplin Trophy
Wednesday Shield Qualifier
90th Anniversary Challenge - Check the dates, this is going to a monster competition.
90th Anniversary Celebration - Invites are out, so check your email/Spam, then check your diary and cancel anything on that evening and RSVP to Russell by return email.
March 27th Cocktail Evening, 5pm - 8pm.